Monday, December 26, 2016

Hillary's Numbers

KYS off Hildebeest bots! Your clown lost again!

Monday, December 19, 2016

What?? No Reddi Wip??? What Happened? The grinch struck Reddi-Wip's sales down this season.  We have a shortage of nitrous oxide because there was a deadly explosion a few months back at Airgas, the company that supplies nitrous oxide to the contracting companies that make Reddi-Wip and other store brand whipping creams in a can.  Airgas also supplies nitrous oxide to medical supply companies, and has prioritized supplying nitrous oxide to medical companies.  We know Hillary could use some laughing gas after getting a political beating from We The People.  But we need to recruit some heros to stop the grinch who struck Reddi-Wip!


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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Hildebeest's Temper Tantrum

Jill Stein's Vote Recount Effort Backfires

Hildebeest and Jill Stein's joint venture has backfired. The Supreme Court in Michigan voted against further efforts to continue the recount effort. The vote recount in Wisconsin yielded more votes for Trump. Finally, the voter recount court appeal got nixed as they missed the deadline.

Hillary's Head Exploding

Poor Hillary!  Her head has exploded!