Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Introducing The New Timi The Dhimmi 2024: Tampon Timi The Dhimmi Walz Of Minnesota...

Just when you thought Mamala Hoebama would ask Far Left Wing Extremist Gavin Newsom to be her running mate, she found the farthest left wing extremist Governor of all 50 states #TamponTim Timi The Dhimmi Walz to be her running mate in the stolen Democrat ticket race.  HEY, the far left wanted Poopy Pants JoeJoe Bidet as their Bozo the Clown candidate, but the heads chopped his nuts.  Reminds me of when Crooked Hildebeest hired Timi The Dhimmi Kaine as her buttboy in 2016.

Go figure.  The behind the door clowns switched sock puppets to run America into the ground.

The clown show continues but might be short lived... Something big is coming.

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